Calvin and Hobbes: The Movie?

Calvin and Hobbes Movie

Below is a fan video a fan imagined for a trailer for a Calvin and Hobbes movie. No, it is not a real movie, but Gritty Reboots! made a funny look at what the characters might be like if Calvin grew up. Check it out.

Unfortunately, after reclusive cartoonist Bill Watterson ended the syndicated comic strip in 1995, he has kept a notoriously tight rein on the rights to the characters. Then, again, that might be a good thing. But there is a Calvin and Hobbes movie, of sorts, on the horizon. A new documentary, Dear Mr. Watterson (2013), comes out April 9 and explores the impact of Calvin and Hobbes through the eyes of fans.

Would you like to see a Calvin and Hobbes movie? Leave your two cents in the comments.

  • What Comic Strips Influenced “Calvin and Hobbes”?