Happy Opening Day!

May you baseball fans enjoy this day where every team is in first place starting on a clean slate. I’m talkin’ baseball!

The above classic baseball song is Terry Cashman‘s “Willie, Mickey, and the Duke (Talkin’ Baseball).” Cashman, a producer and singer-songwriter who once played minor league baseball, was inspired to write the song after receiving a picture of Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, and Duke Snider. The original “Talkin’ Baseball” tribute to 1950s baseball came out during a baseball strike year in 1981, reminding fans why they still loved baseball.

According to Wikipedia and ESPN, Cashman has made versions of the song for most, but not all, baseball teams. But even those teams without their own version of “Talkin’ Baseball” can dream on this opening day.

Bonus Opening Day Trivia Question: When and where was the first interleague opening day game in Major League Baseball history? Answer: It was April 1, 2013, caused by the recent realignment moving one team to a different league.

What are you most excited about this baseball season? Leave your two cents in the comments.

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